Tag: Artist

  • James Jean

      One of my favourite comics of all time is Fables. I don’t only love it for the storyline but also for the fantastic art. So it’s a shame to see the cover artist james jean leaving the project. After issue 81 there will be no more James Jean lovely art works. However that doesn’t…

  • Sally Smart, Greenaway Art Gallery

    Sally Smart is one of those artist whose work, either inspires or scares the hell out of you. For me, she does both. Her work has a theme of horror around it. However I have noticed themes of childhood popping up in her work. She exhibits at Greenaway gallery in Kent town quite regularly. I…

  • Visceral Response Question 2, Activity 1

    Image taken from Cindy Sherman’s personal website Cindy Sherman. Cindy Sherman is an American photographer and film maker who is known for her conceptual self portraits. Her works can rely on shock, surprise but also beauty. Depending on what era her works have focused on. I find her work in some cases to rely on…

  • Asia Pacific Triennal

    Asia Pacific Triennal is held every three years at the national queensland gallery or the gallery of modern art. The exhibition is held in high regard in the asia pacific area. Artist are selected throughout Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The works are from all mediums which can range from paint to video. A quick…