Category: Technology

  • Northern Lights and The Parade of Lights at the Adelaide Fringe

    The Parade of lights is on again at the Adelaide Fringe this year. I don’t normally go into the city for the Fringe, since I’m a bit anti crowd but decided to go mid week. It’s worth having a look while it’s on at the Fringe and it’s FREE! The first time I saw the…

  • Social Media

    Its now essential to be active in social media to advance your career – #iStrategy This quote came up the other day while I was on twitter. I do often wonder if it is essential these days to be in social media. I don’t doubt this statement at all. I have read and seen people…

  • Lego Style Apartment

    Now this is interesting. There’s no doubt that living spaces are getting smaller. Stands to reason more population equals less living space for all of us (I’m looking at you Duggars). Before we start heading down the road to soylent green, the problem remains of how we will live in smaller living spaces. Christian Schallert…

  • How to get noticed

    QR CODE – Content-rich Resume from Victor petit on Vimeo. Note to self: QR codes are cool

  • A good read

    Nice book about the web and browser from the google team. The information is easy to read and very informative. There’s quite a bit of information that is new to me and has given somewhere to start my own knowledge base. What is even more impressive, it’s done in HTML5. Making the HTML5 fans scream…

  • Future of Technology

    One of the hardest things I find while working is trying to keep up with technology. Even after working for a year I sometimes struggle to keep up with how fast design, coding, fashion and technology is moving. After that you have to decided what technology you would like to focus on and hope it’s…


    One of my favourite you tube channels happens to be ROCKET BOOM! This latest video from ROCKET BOOM! talks about the Intel products in development or ready for market. Some of the applications are very interesting but I felt Wendy March who presented the project “Sense” understood her demographic perfectly with social media (Think Twitter,…

  • Are computers intuitive?

    Early last year I wrote an article on intuition. I went into some detail on what is intuition and how it is used on interface design. I will post the article on this blog at a later date. The other day I was watching “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs” and this clip: Although it…

  • Phonebook

    There are a million ways to interact with products. The company mobile art lab have combined an old technology that users are familiar with, with a new technology the iphone. This allows for a interaction with books on a whole new level. A book no longer becomes static, the book allows interactive explanations for methods…

  • Apple Tablet

    I read in the news recently that apple were thinking about making a tablet computer that can play ebooks, music and movies. I found this interesting since our last project was based on a digital jukebox which incorporated ebooks, music and movies. While talking with my team mates we thought it would be interesting to…