50 Things


I have yet to meet a designer or creative who doesn’t feel like a student. I believe the one should always be learning and discovering throughout their career. Although he states it’s for graphic design students I think it can be applied to any career path. Everything mentioned is spot on, however I wonder how this list will change within 12 months?

A few of my favourites mentioned:

7. Have a positive self-image.
Your self-perception is your most important asset. See yourself as the person you want to be and others will see this too.

20. Ask questions.
Assume nothing. Ask questions, even if you think you know the answers. You’ll be surprised at how little you know.

22. Seek criticism, not praise.
You learn nothing by being told how great you are. Even if you think your work’s perfect – seek criticism, you can always ignore it.

32. There’s no such thing as a bad job.
Always push yourself to do your best. Logically, there’s no way you can be dissatisfied with ‘having done your best’.

44. If you’re going to fail, fail well.
Being ambitious means you have to take on things you think you can’t do. Failures are unfortunate, but they are sometimes necessary.

If you want to read the rest then I suggest you click here!



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