Category: Links
Helpful links
I promised myself that I would get back to proper blogging after I’ve recovered from some big life changes. Turns out blogging can be a lot harder if you feel like you’ve got nothing to say. While I’m trying to find my voice here are a few useful links – 5 Fears that Keep Artists…
Link Roundup – life drawing
Edi Udo – and Rosie Coleman –
Dismiss Photoshop
I rarely use a pencil these days. Which is unfortunate since I love drawing when I was studying. Perhaps I need to be more crazy in my future career choices. If you want to pay $20 (if your paying for shipping to Australia other $3) for a pencil you buy it here.
Red Letter Media
I’m always interested in other aspects and disciplines of design. Although design as a whole is vast I can see there are similarities between disciplines and process. The other day I found an interesting review site called Red Letter Media. What sets this review site apart from other is the way the reviewer (with a…
Interaction design defined
While at tafe I never really had a good look at youtube videos, something I regret doing now. I have found some videos to be a great resource in understanding and remembering the fundementals of design. Below is a video of interaction design which has been broken down into 3 parts. I found this easy…
There are a million ways to interact with products. The company mobile art lab have combined an old technology that users are familiar with, with a new technology the iphone. This allows for a interaction with books on a whole new level. A book no longer becomes static, the book allows interactive explanations for methods…
24 Ways
It’s Christmas time again and to my surprise I found an online advent calender for graphic designers. Instead of chocolate there are articles which include web design. There are some great articles on this site that are worth having a look at. Some posts move back to the basics of web design but I feel…
10/GUI is the latest interface making the rounds on the internet A fairly interesting and daring concept from this student, it will be interesting to see if it gets made. Probably not the best solution for everyday users of computers but for full on internet and programmers it’s a dream (from what I’ve heard from…
Jakob Nielsen
Earlier this week I found an article on the web designer’s depot on Jakob Nielsen. Jakob Nielsen along with Donald Norman are considered to be experts within the web usability field. It’s an interesting article on Jakob Nielsen’s current thoughts on web usability. I found it quite useful and will use it in my future…
Andy Rutledge
I found a fairly interesting site the other day which could be useful for future reference. While the site focuses on the management and design side of web development which is a rarity throughout my research. He goes on about the employability skills as well time management skills. He also shows basic princpals on the…