I have a sickness. My sickness is wondering how people tick and what influences actions. Since researching “intuition” in my second year of TAFE I have had a great interest in psychology. Which as led to an interest in UX design. I hope to lead my career in this direction in the next couple of years.
UX combines many disciplines from psychology, graphic & industrial design, sociology, cognitive science and computer science. The idea of User Experience to allow the user to have a positive emotional impact while using the product, whether it’s a web site, game or psychical object. To give the user a positive experience several methods to gain this information. Persona, user testing, sites maps, etc.
User Experience can be closely associated with User Interaction within the confines of web design. In most cases they do overlap.
From my readings on User Experience I do wonder if the name should be changed to “Human Experience”? After all are we not dealing with humans and what they experience?
The journey and challenge for me right now is to gain the knowledge base I need to advance my career.
Recommended blogs:
- 52 Weeks of UX
- UX Matters
- UX magazine
- UX Myths
- LukeW
- Aza Raskin
- Jakob Nielsen
- PsyBlog
- You are not so smart
Recommended books I’ve picked up from blogs and general research:
- Rosenfeld Media
- The Humane Interface
- Information Architecture for the world wide web
- How we decide
- Emotional Design: Why we love (and hate) everyday things
- Understanding Comics
- Designing Interactions
- The Elements of User Experience
- Universal Principals of Design
- Don’t make me think
Of course there are more books and blogs that can be added but I’ve only just started researching UX and interaction design.
I plan to put some reviews up on these books in the near future. Currently I am reading “How we decide” By Jonah Lehrer
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