On feburary 11th we were requested to attend an industry visit to ballistic media. For this visit we are required to answer some questions:
Ballistic’s media has been around since 2003 and have a world wide audience. Their demographic are mainly from Western Europe and the USA. However they have a growing market in South Korea and China. Ballistic media are known through word of mouth and don’t really advertise much.
What is Ballistics business model? How do the designer contribute to this model?
Ballistic’s media incorporates two businesses. One is the publishing of books, both tutorial based and artistic based. The books are a showcase of art work from the best digital artist in the world. The books help artist show off their work, gain employment and validate their need as a digital artist.
Ballistic media also focuses on a website developed for the exact same demographic. The website also showcases artist work. As well as digital workshops, forums, portfolios, and many more. The website is where a lot of interactivity happens.
Designers contribute in many ways. They organise the content, navigation, layouts of books and websites.
What is the designer’s role at Ballistics?
Again the designer’s role at Ballistics is unique. The control the content, navigation and interface of the site. They decide what is appropriate content for the site. They also have to deal with briefs and confirmation of briefs.
Who do the designers have to work with?
The designers at Ballistic’s media work with a range of people from web programmers (both back and front end), art directors, marketing managers etc. Each person is expected to put the best work they are capable of. Despite this designers at Ballistic’s are always self learning. They learn what they have to get the job done. However the designers do know the importance of knowing what you know well and focus on the skill set they need to get the job they want.
How important is the interface of the website to the company?
The interface is part of the company which sells their image to world. It also displays their global image to world wide customers and clients. The interface is part of the company and the end demographic must be considered when redesigning the site.
What are the future developments for the website interface?
A redesign of the interface is in progress. Some customers have criticisms of the website and the designers are currently trying to address that.
For a link to the Ballistic’s Media homepage:
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