Author: joanne

  • Do you like fonts?

    Make it better from Sebastianbap on Vimeo. Do you like fonts or typography? I sure do. Just watch the video if you do.

  • Why can’t computers be more intuitive?

    This is how everyone feels when dealing with a person who knows nothing about computers…. You all like to think you’re reasonable but let’s face it……boiling points are short. My real question are computers and the internet intuitive? From this video…..No

  • You have to be insane to be creative

    In all honesty, people who take something that they like doing and decide to do it for a living are actually a little insane. Which is not to say that they are stupid. In fact, the majority of them are clever. Whether these people be animators or manga artists though, the fact remains that the…

  • Sturgeon’s Law

    I came across an interesting metaphorical law called Sturgeon’s Law. The term was created by science fiction author “Theodore Sturgeon”. Ever heard of the saying: “99% of everything is crap”? That’s Sturgeon’s Law. Why is 99% of everything crap? Because I less time and effort are put into the end product. I have seen countless bad designs.…

  • The difference between UI and UX

    I was browsing through Quora (what Yahoo! answers used to be before everyone discovered it) and found an interesting answer to the question what the difference between UI and UX. I love the answer so much I had to blog it here. The original explanation can be found here for reference sake. This is UI…

  • What I’m worth

    I have self value issues. What better what to validate them then to see how much your website is worth. This website is worth What is your website worth? I wonder when I’ll ever see this money? Though it’s pretty bad for 3 years work. Personally I feel a bit under valved, a redesign needs…

  • Wise Words

    Damn Straight!

  • Kinetic Type (7 Billion People)

    Lovely use of type from National Geographic to describe a world wide problem. “With the worldwide population expected to exceed seven billion in 2011, National Geographic magazine offers a 7-part series examining specific challenges and solutions to the issues we face. The magazine introduces the series with its January cover story “7 Billion,” offering a broad overview…

  • Kinetic Type

    A great little kinetic type video by Jarrett Heather. It’s already made the rounds of my favourite blogs, so it’s more than likely you’ve already seen it.